Coaching Tip

Today I will be discussing height above the net.

Do you find your hitting the ball to low and missing a lot of simple rallying shots ?

It doesn’t matter what court surface you are playing on. We all need to play safe when we are rallying so the mistakes are cut down.

My Simple tip

Swinging a bit faster on the ball to create top spin will help you get more height above the net. Your aim should be to hit the ball at least 3-4 racket lengths above the net.

Rallying down the middle drill

Use a easy target like cones on each end of the court and see who can get the ball deep with height.

Coaching Tip



My forehand

For me the most important key for any shot is your balance. If you are not able to stay balanced Before during and after your shot then it will go wrong.

In this photo I am totally focused on the incoming ball. I have turned my shoulders and am ready to strike.

Tip – when running to the ball you need to stop and maintain your balance then strike. I see so many players who fall backwards or leaning off the ball and it effects the outcome of your shot. Soon as you lean backwards or off the shot then your lose your control of the ball.

I have also included a photo of my serve.

Weekend Coaching Tip

Beat the Heat

It’s going to be a hot weekend and playing long rallies will be very hard in the heat. The last thing you want is to be having 35 shot rallies and end up exhausted after 3 games.


When you get a ball that Lands in the service box. Aim your next shot to the corners and away from your opponent. Keeping rallies short is key in the heat. Getting to the net is also a great way of having short rallies. Soon as you see your opponent wide or playing defence then move up the court and put the ball away.

Coaching Tip

#Court Positions

Improving your Court Position

We have all been there when we hit a great shot and we admire it and forget to move back to the right position.

Tip You don’t need to become faster but you need to be smarter. Using side steps to recover is the best way of moving back. Thinking about where you are on the court is key. If you hit the ball cross court then you need to recover 2-3 steps from the centre. If you hit the ball down the line then your movement would change and you need to get back to the centre. Next time you play have a go 🙂

#Coaching Tip Court Positioning

This week I will be looking at court positions

Day 1

When you are rallying with your partner from the service line you need to be placed behind the service line. Many players stand inside and struggle to get a good contact and struggle to rally. You need space and time.

I also notice when players are playing from the base line they are positioned on the line and when a deep fast ball comes at them they will struggle to move away from the ball and the contact will be too close.


Once you have hit the ball you need to be in a good position. Recovering to the centre with good Effective side steps is key to get ready for the incoming shot.


Tip ( Follow Through )

The next part to the forehand is the follow through

Another key part of the ground stroke.

Players ask me why do I need to follow through and catch my racket on my non dominant hand.

The Reason is more power Through shoulder and body rotation. Better consistency of the ground stroke.

Here is my Coaching Tip

Once you have contacted the ball your racket can’t stop there. For right handers you need to get the racket over your left shoulder with the but of the racket facing forward. ( reverse for lefties)

Catch the throat of the racket with your non dominant hand.

Give it a go.

Forehand Coaching Tip


The contact point is most important part of the shot. You can have a beautiful backswing and turn but its crucial to contact the ball in the centre of the strings and in-front of your body.

The best players in the world work so hard on the movement to help get in position to have a good contact.


You need to make sure your body is behind the ball and your striking the ball out to the side in front of your body.

A way to practice this. You can simply stand side ways and drop the ball down yourself and swing straight and see where your contact is. If your arm is to close to your body then you know your contact is not clean. give it a go and see how you do.